Those who design controls throughout financial and business processes should always consider the risk of fraud. However, there are several reasons to look beyond the traditional approaches to preventing and detecting fraud. Data analytics provide a way to...
The role of technology has become more important today than ever before. The Anti-Fraud Collaboration’s Fraud and Emerging Technologies series spotlights drivers of innovation and major disruptors that are redefining the future of financial reporting, audit, and risk management. As the number of emerging technologies are ever increasing, this series aims to home in on key technological developments that are most relevant to the financial reporting ecosystem.
The global average total cost of a data breach in 2020 was $3.86 million.
The Anti-Fraud Collaboration explores the role of new technology in fraud perpetration and fraud detection while highlighting the associated risks and other considerations. Our Fraud and Emerging Technologies Series spotlights drivers of innovation and major disruptors that are redefining the future of financial reporting, audit, and risk management. As the list of emerging technologies are ever increasing, this series aims to home in on key technological developments that are most relevant to the financial reporting ecosystem.
Discover how the tools to fight fraud have evolved below:
CAQ “Profession in Focus,” Episode 43 (Margaret McGuire)
Episode 43 of “Profession in Focus” features the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Margaret McGuire, Senior Counsel to the Director of Enforcement and Chief of the SEC’s Financial Reporting and Audit (FRAud) Group. McGuire discusses the objectives of the FRAud...
CAQ “Profession in Focus,” Episode 41 (Timothy Hedley)
Episode 41 of “Profession in Focus” features KPMG LLP Partner Timothy Hedley. Hedley discusses the keys to robust fraud deterrence and detection, the role of technology in anti-fraud efforts, and the importance of ethical corporate culture.