Case Studies

LDC Cloud Systems Case Study

LDC Cloud Systems Case Study

The LDC Cloud Systems Case Study is another installment in the Anti-Fraud Collaboration’s successful series of case studies. Participants in case study teachings start with a hypothetical scenario about a fictional company dealing with a fraud. Guided by an...

LDC Cloud Systems Case Study Video Vignettes

LDC Cloud Systems Case Study Video Vignettes

The Anti-Fraud Collaboration has developed six short video vignettes for use with the LDC Cloud Systems Case Study. In each vignette, actors reenact several interactions selected from the case study. The videos, which can also be found on YouTube, do not provide...

Kendallville Bank Case Study

Kendallville Bank Case Study

The Kendallville Bank Case Study explores potential material fraud at a fictitious regional bank. With a fact pattern revolving around the questionable accounting decisions of a star executive, this hypothetical scenario is designed to foster a greater understanding...

Carolina Wildnerness Case Study

Carolina Wildnerness Case Study

The Carolina Wilderness Outfitters Case Study explores potential material fraud at a fictitious public company. The case can be used to facilitate a discussion about what steps to take when fraud is suspected in an organization. The case study also aims to raises...

Hollate Manufacturing Case Study

Hollate Manufacturing Case Study

The Hollate Manufacturing Case Study examines a potential material fraud at a fictional manufacturing company to raise awareness of environments in which financial reporting fraud might flourish. The case study is accompanied by a discussion guide that provides a...