Spotlight | New Report on Skepticism, Webisodes, and Free CPE


The Anti-Fraud Collaboration is pleased to send you the second issue of our newsletter that includes updates on the various resources and programs we developed in Q3 2020.

Use skepticism to fight fraud

Our new report, Skepticism in Practice, explores the importance of more critically assessing the potential for fraud and examining certain biases that can leave organizations vulnerable to deceptive activities and misconduct. The report provides tools and techniques needed to shift organizations toward a better balance between trust and skepticism as it relates to fraud and other important considerations.

Read the full report here.

Watch the latest Anti-Fraud in Action webisodes

Missed a webisode? Watch the entire series here.

Regulatory engagement on fraud, technology, and the expectation gap

CAQ’s Senior Manager of Anti-Fraud Initiatives, Lucy Wang, and Professional Practice Fellow, Yuri Zwick, participated in two IAASB-facilitated roundtable discussions that focused on:

  • Fraud in the Digital Age: Explores new vulnerabilities and fraud risks auditors should consider; new and emerging technology used to detect fraud; current trends in how frauds are perpetrated using technology; and challenges presented by technology in relation to fraud.
  • Narrowing the Gap: Fraud and Going Concern: The main causes of differences between public perception and auditor’s responsibilities with regard to fraud and going concern in audits of financial statements; and what can be done across the external reporting ecosystem to address these differences.

Interested in learning more? Click on the topics to view the discussions, and send us your questions or comments.

Free CPE self-study courses

The Anti-Fraud Collaboration’s webcasts on corporate culture are now available as free CPE self-study courses from the AICPA.

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