
Nonplussed by Non-GAAP

Nonplussed by Non-GAAP

The common, and at times creative, use of “non-GAAP” financial reporting has come under scrutiny before by some, including the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). While not technically prohibited by SEC rules, the SEC’s attention to non-GAAP measures is...

Anti-Fraud: Keeping Your House in Order

Anti-Fraud: Keeping Your House in Order

Financial fraud reporting continues to be a major focus of both the public and private sectors. Participants across the financial reporting supply chain are also active in detecting and deterring fraud. The Anti-Fraud Collaboration continues to develop communication,...

Kendallville Bank Case Study

Kendallville Bank Case Study

The Kendallville Bank Case Study explores potential material fraud at a fictitious regional bank. With a fact pattern revolving around the questionable accounting decisions of a star executive, this hypothetical scenario is designed to foster a greater understanding...