Oversight of Corporate Culture: A Core Asset in Driving Performance


Led by an expert panel, this program highlights leading practices on assessing and strengthening a company’s corporate culture, including how culture impacts strategy, risk, and performance.

Sound corporate culture is a cornerstone of fraud deterrence and detection. This program will highlight the leading practices on assessing and strengthening a company’s corporate culture and the impact it can have on strategy, risk, and performance. The expert panel will share actionable recommendations that organizations can implement in order to deter fraud and misconduct. In addition, they will address oversight responsibilities of audit committees, management, and internal auditors. 

In this 90 minute video, the former Executive Director of the Center for Audit Quality leads a discussion about leading practices on assessing and strengthening a company’s corporate culture. Experts on this subject will detail oversight responsibilities of audit committee members, company management, and internal auditors while providing actionable recommendations that organizations can implement to deter fraud and misconduct.

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Categories: Culture